//          =--------------------------------=
//          / TeamFortress addon aliases v1.0b \
//          =--------------------------------=

//  Script name: TF Addon aliases v1.0 beta
//  Script type: Misc. TF aliases
//  Script Author: p3y0t3{23rd.Cav}
//  Authors email: kincaid@sincom.com

// [ABOUT]
// This set of aliases is meant for TeamFortress ONLY! This shitz ain't gonna
// work with to much of anything else I am afraid =]
// To load it, at the Quake console type: exec tf-addon.rc (file must be in \ID1 sub-dir of Quake)
// Once loaded, it will display a small menu describing the added bindz.
// Note that there are a couple class specific bindz, but for the most part
// everything can be used by all classes. Lastly, most bindz utilize the six
// block of keys (insert, delete, home, end, page up, page down). So they 
// should be easy for ya to find =]