__  __  __       __    _________   _____ __
             / /_/ / / /__    / /_  / ____/   | / ___// /_
            / __/ /_/ / _ \  / __ \/ __/ / /| | \__ \/ __/
           / /_/ __  /  __/ / /_/ / /___/ ___ |___/ / /_
           \__/_/ /_/\___(_)_.___/_____/_/  |_/____/\__/
                             __    _ __
                            / /   (_) /____
                           / /   / / __/ _ \ 
                          / /___/ / /_/  __/ 

     .                            .
     .                            .
     . Name:   tH3.b34St lite     .
     . Build:  v1.1f              .
     . Type:   Weapons control    .
     . Author: p3y0t3{23.Cav}     .
     . Email:  kincaid@sincom.com .

     . About the script .

        tH3.b34St lite was inspired by several complaints that my other release, tH3.b34St v3.0,
      would crash on the loading of the secondary aliases (bst-sec.rc), and crashes when multiple
      tH3.b34St addon files were loaded. Hopefully, this "lite" version of my script should remedy
      all of this. Over all, the total amount of aliases loaded is about half of the full fledged
      script... At the cost of loosing several functions... These include:

      1) Only attack\normal strafe modes... JumpStrafing is gone.
      2) *No* supported grapple aliases... Selectable or otherwise.. Make a bind if u need one =)
      3) The Mouse button 3 only z[00]m mode is gone.
      4) Only F1 thru F4 are supported as far as function keys go...
      5) A couple of other things I am forgetting...

        So, if you can live with these changes... Great! I personally have no problem loading or
      running any of my scripts... But I also realize that as system specs change, so will the way
      the script reacts... Make note that if you have my other *current* release, tH3.b34St 3.0f,
      all of its "addon files" are backwards compatible with this script... There *isn't* a special
      load key incorporated tho... You'll need to exec them from the console using: exec bst-add#.rc.
      " # " being the number of addon (1 thru 8 currently).
        As for things added... Nothing really. The weapons memory\binds\aliases is at its final
      evolution so to speak... All of the net *cough fuck this cough cough* lag compensation is
      just about right on... Basically a good, stable script. Oh, I did add a modified TF alias file
      that can be loaded with the F4 hotkey... These are meant for TeamFortress only tho.. Ain't
      gonna work with much else... So get at it! Go check her out and see what ya think... If in
      doubt about a bind\key\what have you, just hit the F1 key. It will display a small menu of
      tH3.b34St's binds\commands... Enjoy!     -p3y0t3-

     . Installation notes .

        Installation of this script is only as hard as you want to make it =) No seriously, just
       read this closely, and you'll have no probs. First off, CD to the sub-directory located in
       your \quake dir named "\id1". In this directory, there should be pak0.pak, pak1.pak, and 
       *maybe* two files with the extension "cfg". If there are .cfg files present, rename them
       with the extension ".bak"... So as to have backups of your default, non-b34St binds. Now, 
       unzip the file "bst-lite.zip" into the \quake\id1 directory. Thats all! The next time you
       start Quake it will prompt you to hit F5 to load the script... Do so and your off!

     .  Disclaimer shits  .
        I, Andrew John Kincaid, cannot be held accountable for any damages or losses incurred while
       using any of this archives contents. IE: If it fubarz your 'puter... Sorry d00d! Don't know 
       what to tell ya. Everything works swell for me... And in a ideal world it will be AOK for you
       as well... Oh BTW, current archive is bst-lite.zip... Just so your aware =P