To: doom-editing@[...] Subject: Level merge/scale/translate/rotate/shear in Perl I don't know whether any of the other editors can do any of the things that this script can, but I was recently using a version of DEU that couldn't. This script takes a number of PWAD's and produces a PWAD (named `tmpm.wad') with a single level which is the superposition of all the input levels. Things, vertices, linedefs, sidedefs, sectors and special sector tags (below 100) are renumbered. The script doesn't handle graphics and sound resources, nodes trees, &c, only map data. It includes empty REJECT, BLOCKMAP &c resources in the output because otherwise DEU won't load the resulting level; sound and graphics resources will be discarded (with a warning message). It also doesn't do anything like merging vertices, linedefs, &c that happen to coincide. However, it can do arbitrary linear transformations on the horizontal and vertical coordinate spaces, and can rotate all the Things by a particular amount. Any texture alignment you do is likely to be screwed up by scaling, and will almost certainly be mangled by shear. Translation, rotation and simple vertical shifts should be fine for this. The level number of the output WAD is the same as that for the last level in the last input WAD. (I haven't tested it with input WADs with multiple levels, but it should work.) If there is demand there are a number of other things it could be made to do quite easily; possibilities are global `search-and-replace' on textures and preprogrammed modifications to Things. The scaling/translation/rotation/shear to be applied is be specified by using the -t option, where is `a', `b' or `c' for which coefficient of the transformation equations is to be changed, is `x', `y' or `z' for which coordinate's equation is to be changed and is the new coefficient. The equations are x' = ax*x + bx*y + cx y' = ay*x + by*y + cy z' = az*z + cz where x',y',z' are the new coordinates, x,y,z the old and ax and so on the coefficients. bz isn't used, as the vertical Z transformation is independent of the horizontal X,Y transformation. The default values are ax=by=az=1.0 and all the rest zero - this is the identity transformation. I couldn't be bothered to write code to turn series of requests like `rotate clockwise by 90 degrees' and `translate by (1000,-500)' into the coefficients, so you'll just have to do that yourself. If you can't figure out how go and attend a maths class :-). Thing rotation is done separately: you just say -r. (According to the Doom specs the angles will be rounded to the nearest 90 degrees, so rotating Things by small amounts is unlikely to be useful unless they are already at odd angles.) You can mix settings of the translation/thing rotation options with WAD files; each WAD will be processed using the options specified up to that point. So, for example, you can do $ -tax0.75 -tby0.75 part1.wad -tax1 -tby1 -tcx4000 part2.wad to merge part1 and part2 with part 1 scaled down by a quarter and part2 translated by 4000 units in the X direction (so that it doesn't overlap part1). This script may not work well on DOS versions of Perl, because it loads all the data into memory and processes it there. Use Un*x - you know it makes sense :-). Ian.