DOOM Music Editor - version 1.0 April 1994 Usage: DMMUSIC music_entry [-s music_file][-e music_file][-l][-f pwad][-r][-c] music_entry : Music entry from DOOM directory -s : Store music_file into DOOM WAD Input file must be in .MUS format -e : Extract music from DOOM WAD. Will not overwrite existing file -l : List music entries -f : Alternate WAD file (PWAD) -r : Remove music from alternate WAD -c : List contents of WAD (or PWAD) DESCRIPTION: DMMUSIC will store music into or extract music from DOOM WAD and PWAD files. To list the names of available music entries, use the '-L' option. Patch WAD files (PWAD) can be edited the same as WAD files by using the '-f pwad' option on the command line; the PWAD will be created as needed. To remove a music entry from a PWAD, use the '-r' option. For the PWAD to work correctly, the filename must end with .WAD. When editing the WAD file directly, please be sure that you have a backup copy of the original file available. Input files must be in .MUS format. A utility to convert MIDI files to .MUS is available seperately (MIDI2MUS). Some examples: Replace a music entry: DMMUSIC d_e1m1 -s foo.mus Extract a music entry: DMMUSIC d_e1m1 -e foo.mus Create a PWAD and add a music entry to it: DMMUSIC -f bar.wad d_e1m1 -s foo.mus Run DOOM using the new PWAD file: DOOM -file bar.wad COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: Bill Neisius