DESCRIPTION FILE FOR -- WAD_REV.TEA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is a "standard" to follow for the review of .WAD files. Please follow all the directions and tell us what you think of particular WAD's. If you are not a member of "wad-team" please join and tell us what WAD's you are reviewing. Also, put any reviews back into infant2 when you are done. We will have a directory on infant2 called: /pub/doom/wads/reviews/wad-team if you would like to take a look at other reviews. Put all reviews in the /pub/doom/incoming directory with the file name like this: NEMO.TEA (it *must* have the TEA extension) To join our mailing alias... send mail to "" with the text: subscribe wad-team And nothing else. Thanks Mike Gholson (wad-team leader)