Game:Doom2 Title:Disraeli Filename:Disraeli.wad Author:Steve Duff or Released:May 1999 Previous levels by author:(at Seven levels in Realm of Chaos megawad for Doom2 Elfstomp for Ultimate Doom *Description* Large techno-gothic level with detailed architecture and many secrets. Designed for a stiff challenge on UV. Certain areas show the influence of the great OSIRIS.wad by Glenn Payne and Marshall Bostwick, as well as the outstanding levels of Michael Krause (IPRAY4U, DOTHEJOB, GOTHEWAY, etc.) *Play Information* Map....................27 Single Player..........Yes Co-op 2-4 Player.......Yes (untested) Deathmatch.............No (way too big) Difficulty Settings....Yes New Sounds.............No New Graphics...........No New Music..............No Demos Replaced.........None *Construction* Base...................New Level From Scratch Build Time.............Way Long Editors Used...........Hellmaker v1.2b2 by Paul Davidson Deimos 0.4.1b by Mikado Known Bugs.............Secret count at the end will not exceed 91%, even if you find them all. I guess there's too many secrets for an accurate count. :-) *Testing info* This level has been extensively tested on the following systems: PowerMac with PPC 604 @132Mhz, 48MB RAM + PowerMac 7100 with PPC 601 @80Mhz Amiga A4000T with 68060 @57Mhz, 18MB RAM, using ADoom 1.3 and DoomAttack 0.8beta3 and Pentium2 400 PC and Pentium 120 PC. This level, despite its size, ran smoothly on all systems, although there were a few hiccups on the Amiga. A version of this level with reject map built by the Mac version of W.A.R.M. by Robert Fenske Jr. (port by Paul Davidson) tended to run slower on all machines than levels compiled solely with Hellmaker's node-builder, and as a result was replaced with this version. *Level Stats* Sidedefs: 4,427 Sectors: 560 Things: 553 Tags: 61 Monsters: 248 (UV) 218 (HMP) 186 (HNTR) *Acknowledgements* Paul Davidson for his outstanding work on Hellmaker and The Doominator. Mikado for Deimos. Rob Berkowitz and Michael Krause, my beta-testers (and killer WAD designers!). id, of course, for the ultimate classic game. And Gateway 2000 for buying the Amiga. *Copyright/Permissions* Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distribute this level in any format so long as the entire archive (including this text file) is preserved whole and complete.