=========================================================================== Primary purpose : SinglePlay =========================================================================== Title : 30 Minutes to midnight [FINAL] Filename : 30MTM.WAD Release date : 12/28/2024 Author : Claire aka Dank Metal, guest maps by Plums (MAP 31) and Lsc Lasico (MAP32). Email Address : [redacted] Description : A wad with 30 speedmaps made in 30 minutes (sorta), and 2 guest secret maps. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 32 Sounds : No Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes Other : No * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01 - MAP32 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : No * Construction * Base : From scratch Build Time : 1 FUCKING YEAR, started on 12/28/2023, 30- ish minutes each level Editor(s) used : Slade, Ultimate Doom Builder, Doom writer, Whacked4 Known Bugs : IDK May Not Run With : GZdoom due to the use of mikoportals. Also cuz i don't like it :3 Tested With : PrBoom+ 2.6.66, Crispy Doom, Woof, Nugget Doom, DSDA Doom * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: FTP sites: =========================================================================== Credits to Plums and LSC Lasico for maps 31 and 32 respectively (also for the song for map 31), Tamara Mochaccina for the song for MAP19, Box o' Skies for the skies (duh), MFG38 for the color palette and the whole Hell Keep server for playtesting and other stuff. Love yall <3