=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Update to : Advanced engine needed : Limit removing Primary purpose : Single player, but co-op options implemented (if barely tested) =========================================================================== Title : The Ultimate Doom "In Name Only" Filename : UDINO.wad Release date : 30/11/2023 Author : Cannonball, dobu gabu maru, and the UDINO team Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : See the doom wiki for author history Misc. Author Info : A bunch to random consciousness Description : Ultimate Doom In Name Only tasks its authors with creating levels based solely off of the map titles from id's 1995 classic, Ultimate Doom. A priority of the project was to be equal parts fun, challenging, and creative. Additional Credits to : ID Games for Doom Eradrop & Mechadon for the skies (Plums for the edit for the E2 Sky) Other credits further down the textfile =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 36 Sounds : No Music : Replacements for all maps, none are bespoke to the project. Graphics : Liquid & ALLBLACK textures Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : No Other files required : No * Play Information * Game : DOOM Map # : E1M1 to E4M9 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Starts included on all level, there might be more on some levels. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes (Please use them) * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 9 years (first started July 1st 2014) Editor(s) used : Doom builder 2, Doom builder X, UDoombuilder and Slade 3 and potentially more Known Bugs : E1M7's linedef 26614 can be passed through (intercept overflow?) May Not Run With : Vanilla due to limits being exceeded in most of the levels. Tested With : DSDA Doom, Crispy Doom * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/ FTP sites: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _______ _______ _______ ______ __________________ _______ ( ____ \( ____ )( ____ \( __ \ \__ __/\__ __/( ____ \ | ( \/| ( )|| ( \/| ( \ ) ) ( ) ( | ( \/ | | | (____)|| (__ | | ) | | | | | | (_____ | | | __)| __) | | | | | | | | (_____ ) | | | (\ ( | ( | | ) | | | | | ) | | (____/\| ) \ \__| (____/\| (__/ )___) (___ | | /\____) | (_______/|/ \__/(_______/(______/ \_______/ )_( \_______) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! B E W A R E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ultimate Doom in Name Only is *D*I*F*F*I*C*U*L*T*!!!! All maps are designed for PISTOL START, but will require patience, swiftness, and smart thinking to escape alive. The first two episodes are somewhat of a toasty warm-up, while the last two are a raging inferno. If you've endured the likes of RESURGENCE and SCYTHE 2, then you are more than equipped to handle UDINO, but all others should take heed--remember, difficulty options are there for a reason! Play to the style that suits you; having fun is more important than vainglorious e-bragging! _______________________________________________________________________________ +X+| ____ ____ ___ __ ____ ___ ______ __ ____ ___ ____ __ |+X+ +x+| || \\ || \\ // \\ || || // | || | || || // \\ || \\ (( \ |+x+ +X+| ||_// ||_// (( )) || ||== (( || || ||== ||=|| || )) \\ |+X+ +x+| || || \\ \\_// |__|| ||___ \\__ || ||__| ||___ || || ||_// \_)) |+x+ +X+|_______________________________________________________________________________|+X+ ***Cannonball (Matthew Powell)*** ***dobu gabu maru (Darryl Steffen)*** __________________________________________________________________ +X+| ____ __ ___ _ _ ______ ____ __ ______ ____ ____ __ |+X+ +x+| || \\ || // \\ \\// | || | || (( \ | || | || || \\ (( \ |+x+ +X+| ||_// || ||=|| )/ || ||== \\ || ||== ||_// \\ |+X+ +x+| || ||__| || || // || ||___ \_)) || ||___ || \\ \_)) |+x+ +X+|__________________________________________________________________|+X+ [-DEVELOPMENT-] Tristan mouldy Cannonball Ledillman Jaws in Space CorSair plums Steve D EffinghamHuffnagel dobu gabu maru Alfonzo & Tarnsman Scotty galileo31dos01 Nine Inch Heels and *Magnusblitz*, our MVP: Most Valuable Playtester! (plus Antroid & the Doominati for discussions) [-RELEASE CANDIDATE-] Ravendesk finnks13 taviow Catpho Mr. Meanor grothendiek1453 Inuk bioshockfan90 Arsinikk ____________________ +X+| ___ ____ ______ |+X+ +x+| // \\ || \\ | || | |+x+ +X+| ||=|| ||_// || |+X+ +x+| || || || \\ || |+x+ +X+|____________________|+X+ Credits -Cannonball Titlepic - Sincity2100 (In progress) Automap Cleanup - Dobu Gabu Maru ______________________________________________________________________ +X+| ___ ___ ___ ____ __ __ __ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ |+X+ +x+| ||\\//|| // \\ || \\ (( \ ( ||\ || ||\\//|| || || (( \ || // |+x+ +X+| || \/ || ||=|| ||_// \\ ||\\|| || \/ || || || \\ || (( |+X+ +x+| || || || || || \_)) || \|| || || \\_// \_)) || \\__ |+x+ +X+|______________________________________________________________________|+X+ (Make sure to load E4_MUS if your port doesn't support MAPINFO, so you don't miss out on some vital music for episode 4!) Title screen music is "At Doom's Gate" by Varis Alpha Intermission screen music is "Instant Gibbage" by James Paddock Victory screen music is "Omen 1196" by KevinHEZ Ending screen music is "Sweet Little Dead Bunny" by Varis Alpha E1M1 - Hangar Author - elic (Eli Cohen) w/ Minor touch-ups by Cannonball Midi - "Gravestones" by Mark Klem E1M2 - Nuclear Plant Author - SteveD (Steve Duff) Midi - "Pinball Dreams (Amiga) Menu Theme" by Olaf Gustafson, arranged by Friendly Floyd E1M3 - Toxin Refinery Author - Stewboy (Stuart Rynn) w/ Edits by Jaws in Space, Cannonball Midi - "Patterns" by Psyrus E1M4 - Command Control Author - Stewboy (Stuart Rynn) w/ Edits by DJVCardmaster, dobu gabu maru, Cannonball Midi - "Ascension" by Psyrus E1M5 - Phobos Lab Author - Sincity2100 w/ Edits by Jaws in Space, Cannonball, dobu gabu maru (for the final room) Midi - "Coffee Tremors" by James Paddock E1M6 - Central Processing Author - Cannonball (Matthew Powell) Midi - "Hypercube" by Stewboy E1M7 - Computer Station Author - dobu gabu maru (Darryl Steffen) Midi - "Copperhead" by Alfonzo E1M8 - Phobos Anomaly Author - Glaice/Armaetus w/ Edits by Cannonball Midi - "The Forgotten God" by Tristan Clark E1M9 - Military Base Author - Cannonball (Matthew Powell) Midi - "The Anthrax Solution" by Varis Alpha E2M1 - Deimos Anomaly Author - PedroVC w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "Pressure Point Huh Again" by Sonic Mayhem E2M2 - Containment Area Author - Riderr3 Midi - "D_E1M3theme" from DTWID E2M3 - Refinery Author - DJVCardmaster Midi - "Trilema" by James Paddock E2M4 - Deimos Lab Author - Scifista42 w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "Batman_cathedral" from VGmusic E2M5 - Command Center Author - Mouldy (Cyriak Harris) Midi - "Hard Drive" by AD_79 E2M6 - Halls of the Damned Author - PedroVC w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "Pollutants" by James Paddock E2M7 - Spawning Vats Author - General Rainbow Bacon w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "Haunting Echoes" by James Paddock E2M8 - Tower of Babel Author - Scotty (Alex Scott) Midi - "I Already Know about ID" by Primeval (John Weekly) E2M9 - Fortress of Mystery Author - Dreadopp w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "Red Sand" by Psyrus E3M1 - Hell Keep Author - Jmickle w/ Edits by Cannonball) Midi - "Jaws of Fate" by AD_79 (Brayden Hart) E3M2 - Slough of Despair Author - Benjogami Midi - ??? E3M3 - Pandemonium Author - dobu gabu maru (Darryl Steffen) Midi - "Treacle Empire" by James Paddock E3M4 - House of Pain Author - Walter Confalonieri w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "It's Gonna Be a Rough Ride" by The Green Herring (Eric Baker) E3M5 - Unholy Cathedral Author - Corsair w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "Orgolia" by Paul Corfiatis E3M6 - Mt Erubus Author - Nine Inch Heels Midi - Stone Tower from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask E3M7 - Gateway to Limbo (Limbo) Author - Cannonball (Matthew Powell) Midi - "The Last Sunset" by Tristan Clark E3M8 - Dis Author - Nine Inch Heels Midi - Chrono Trigger E3M9 - Warrens Author - dobu gabu maru (Darryl Steffen) Midi - "Last Man Standing (Sacrificial Synphony)" by Kristian Aro E4M1 - Hell Beneath Author - _Bruce_ Midi - "The Puppeteer" by James Paddock E4M2- Perfect Hatred Author - Steve D (Steve Duff) Midi - "Flatulence Protocal" by James Paddock E4M3 - Sever the Wicked Author - dobu gabu maru (Darryl Steffen) Midi - "Prowler" by James Paddock E4M4 - Unruly Evil Author - Tourniquet Midi - Preng by zan zan zawa veia E4M5 - They Will Repent Author - Cannonball (Matthew Powell) Midi - "A Warrior Reborn" by Tristan Clark (Rebirth Midi pack) E4M6 - Against Thee Wickedly Author - Steve D (Steve Duff) Midi - "Godhood Part 8 (The Void) by James Paddock E4M7 - And Hell Followed Author - Peanut w/ Edits by dobu gabu maru Midi - "Hush" by Paul D E4M8 - Unto the Cruel Author - dobu gabu maru (Darryl Steffen) Midi - "SHWORD" by Yakfak E4M9 - Fear Author - TimeofDeath Midi - "Rising Colossus" by Varis Alpha _______________________________________ +X+| ______ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ |+X+ +x+| | || | || || // \\ ||\ || || // (( \ |+x+ +X+| || ||==|| ||=|| ||\\|| ||<< \\ |+X+ +x+| || || || || || || \|| || \\ \_)) |+x+ +X+|_______________________________________|+X+ Many thanks to Tristan Clark, who started this project eons ago. Without your efforts early on, UDINO would have never become what it is today. Given how long it has taken to cobble this project together, it's only natural that a bunch of mappers have come and gone in the process. Over nearly a decade, we've received a flood of submissions, discussed their pros and cons, and rejected almost as many maps as we accepted in the end. But our demands for standardization were in the hopes of making something truly special, all while managing to adhere to the strict limitations inherent to Ultimate Doom mapping. We are grateful to all the folks that contributed maps to our patchwork project, as well as those that have provided invaluable feedback and FDAs (where we may or may not have snickered watching you die). Lastly, a huge thanks to the DOOM community as a whole for being a place where an eclectic group of weirdos can gather together and produce some truly incredible, mind-bogglingly-cool stuff.