Doom done Quick
(0) Index
(1) Introduction
(1.1) What's Doom done Quick?
(1.2) Installation instructions
(1.3) Credits
(2) More details about the run
(2.1) Timing
(2.2) How the run was recorded
(3) Statistics
(4) Contact info
(1) Introduction
(1.1) What's Doom done Quick?
Doom done Quick is a speedrun through The Ultimate Doom on Ultra-Violence
skill, in 19:41. Until the release of the Doom source code, it wasn't
possible to connect different lmps together. The result didn't play back
correctly. But with the release of the source code, it became possible with
some small modification. In this run, every level was recorded separately,
and they were later connected (just like the other QdQ projects). See the
"More details about the run" section for more information.
(1.2) Installation instructions
Unzip into your doom2 directory. Since it's impossible to have
all 4 episodes in one demo, there are 4 demos, one for each episode: they
are called ddq-ep1.lmp, ddq-ep2.lmp, ddq-ep3.lmp and ddq-ep4.lmp.
To play a single episode, type:
doom -playdemo ddq-ep?
Replace ? with the episode number, for example: doom -playdemo ddq-ep3
Or, to watch the entire movie, just run the included ddq.bat file.
You will need The Ultimate Doom version 1.9 to play back this demo! If you
have an earlier version of Doom, you will need to upgrade it, patches are
available from It is possible to play back episodes 2 and
3 under normal Doom v1.9, but you can only play episodes 1 and 4 with
The Ultimate Doom v1.9.
(1.3) Credits
The people who created Doom done Quick are:
Yonatan Donner
playing, programming and tactics
Kai-Uwe Humpert
playing and tactics
Thomas "Panter" Pilger
playing and tactics
The utilities we used included:
DdQStats, a modified version of DosDoom. DosDoom is the Dos port of the Doom
source code, which also has a few other features. The official DosDoom page is
at It was made by Chi Hoang. The modification
for DosDoom to make it possible to start with the right stats was done by
Yonatan Donner. DdQStats is also available from the QdQ page.
LMPC by Uwe Girlich to connect the demos together. It is available from
(2) More details about the movie
(2.1) Timing
Just a quick explanation of why we say we completed Doom in 19:41.
Doom shows times for every level, except the last levels in every episode.
But since it is possible to find the exact times of those as well using
LMPC, we decided to include them as well. So the 19:41 time includes all 32
levels in this recording. (We didn't go to the secret levels, because it's
just a waste of time.)
(2.2) How the run was recorded
Each level was recorded separately on skill 4 (Ultra-Violence), starting
from the exact same stats we ended the previous level with. (It is possible
with DdQStats, available from the QdQ page.) Then the demos were connected
using LMPC into this run.
(3) Statistics
Level Map Player Time
Hangar E1M1 Yonatan 0:12
Nuclear Plant E1M2 Yonatan 0:24
Toxin Refinery E1M3 Yonatan 0:44
Command Control E1M4 Yonatan 0:22
Phobos Lab E1M5 Yonatan 1:10
Cewntral Processing E1M6 Yonatan 1:15
Computer Station E1M7 Yonatan 1:24
Phobos Anomaly E1M8 Yonatan 0:25
Episode 1 - Knee Deep in the Dead 5:56
Deimos Anomaly E2M1 Yonatan 0:39
Containment Area E2M2 Yonatan 0:16
Refinery E2M3 Yonatan 0:31
Deimos Lab E2M4 Yonatan 0:42
Command Center E2M5 Yonatan 0:30
Halls of the Damned E2M6 Yonatan 1:14
Spawning Vats E2M7 Yonatan 0:36
Tower of Babel E2M8 Yonatan 0:34
Episode 2 - The Shores of Hell 5:02
Hell Keep E3M1 Kai 0:35
Slough of Despair E3M2 Yonatan 0:17
Pandemonium E3M3 Yonatan 0:27
House of Pain E3M4 Yonatan 0:47
Unholy Cathedral E3M5 Yonatan 0:25
Mt. Erebus E3M6 Yonatan 0:28
Gate to Limbo E3M7 Yonatan 1:01
Dis E3M8 Yonatan 0:23
Episode 3 - Inferno! 4:23
Hell Beneath E4M1 Panter 0:34
Perfect Hatred E4M2 Yonatan 0:20
Sever the Wicked E4M3 Panter 0:36
Unruly Evil E4M4 Yonatan 0:38
They Will Repent E4M5 Yonatan 0:31
Against Thee Wickedly E4M6 Yonatan 0:39
And Hell Followed E4M7 Yonatan 0:11
Unto the Cruel E4M8 Yonatan 0:51
Episode 4 - Thy Flesh Consumed 4:20
Doom done Quick 19:41
(5) Contact info
For QdQ news and future projects (at the time of writing, the next
should be a speed-run of Doom2), check our page at
or visit the QdQ members' homepages, listed in the "credits" section.
For questions and comments (even if you just want to say you liked the
demo), email us, our email addresses are listed in the "credits" section.
Enjoy Doom done Quick!
27th April 1998