id's Texpaint


Interactive OpenGL program for creating and painting on model skins.  
Reads alias .tri files and reads / writes .lbm images.

REQUIRES A FULL 24 BIT OPENGL if you are going to use the painting-on-model features.  
It can be used as a model viewer on any opengl system.

Displays skin.lbm on the base.tri model.  You can load a different skin
(pain.lbm, for example), or load another .tri file to see other poses.

A three button mouse is required for proper operation.

The left button paints with the current color in either the skin window
or the camera window, or selects colors in the palette view.  Ctrl-left
click picks up the color clicked on in any view, making it current.

Right button dragging slides the object or skin around.  Ctrl-right drag
to move in or out on the object or skin.

Middle button dragging rotates the object in the camera view.  
Ctrl-middle drag to change the roll angle.


texpaint skin.lbm or skin.pcx