Title:			wicked_1.map
Filename:		wicked_1.map
Author:			Seafood0  [Scott J. Charlebois]
Email address:		seafood0@gzinc.com
misc.  Author info:	My past level was the maze1.zip, only a single and coop map!
Description:		Plays up to 8 DM, but is ideal for 2-4.
Additional Credits:	Ralph 'D Crib' B. for play testing and sniper suggestions.

* Play Information *

Episode and level#:	Free-floating DM level
Single Player:		No
DukeMatch:		Yes [designed for 2-4 players for best results]

* Construction *

Base:			New level from scratch.
Editor:			Build
Known Bugs:		None, email if you should find any; thank you.

* Where to get this map *

Multpile FTP sites around the Net.