Title                 : The Villa
Author                : D.Lee Loftis
E-mail                : LLoftis@Concentric.net
Web Page              : Nope

Description           : This map was based on one of TSR's UK series of 
AD&D modules  UK2 "The Sentinel"  It is taken from a map of the location
called The Lakeside Villa and anyone who is familar with the module will
recognize the layout.  Most of the room textures were also pulled from 
the descriptions TSR's Villa.  The author of this map acknowledges TSR's 
trademark material, and this .map file is not intended as a challenge to that
copyright. It is used without the permission or support of TSR.  This material 
is provided free of charge, and is intended for the enjoyment of registered 
users of Duke Nukem. It is a basic small map intended for less than 4 players
it is a fast moving map with few places to hide.  There are several unique 
strategies that can be utilized here, and I think you will enjoy finding them 
and working them to your advantage.  There are 2 "secrets" in the level, as 
well as a few creatures (Sharks).  For extra fun, try playing this map under
"attrition" rules. (No respawn)  The first player to score x more frags than 
everyone else wins.

Additional Credits to : I would like to thank Brett Gmoser and Klaus Breuer
       for showing me the way, Tempest for the door tutorials, 3D realms for
       giving us the editor,and TSR for the (Unauthorized, but harmless) use
       of a piece of their coolest module.

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #   : The Villa
Single Player         : Yes, for testing purposes
DukeMatch Level       : Of course! Made for two, but you can use more.
Difficulty Settings   : Not implemented

* Construction *

Base                  : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used        : BUILD
Known Bugs            : The textures got all screwy in the northern stairwell. 
			It has no impact on the game, but looks a little
			strange.  I dont know why I can't fix it, I've tried.
Time                  : 5 days, about 18 hours total.

* Where to get this MAP file *

Any of the Kool web sites that were good enough to post this.  If you know 
of any decent sites, upload it!




This is my second posted level.  I have enjoyed all the feedback from my first 
map "Impact".  If you have trouble finding Impact, EMAIL me at the above address
and I will be glad to send it to you.

Authors MAY use this map as a base to build other levels (But be sure to acknowledge me 
AND TSR for the prior work) You may include this level in any compilation or 
site as long as this .txt file is included and I am given due credit.  

Feel free to send me EMAIL, letting me know what you think about this level.
Your comments are welcome, and it is through other's constructive critisism
that I will improve.  Also, praise is good for the 'ol ego.