Title                   : The Phobos Compound (Final Release)
MAP Filename            : Phobos.map (phobos06.wad for Doom2)
Author                  : Peter Weatherby
Email Address           : None@none.com ->I don't have one :(
Misc. Author Info       : Nothing you need to know...made a couple Doom

Description             : Your on Phobos, remember from Doom. Well this
                          is a conversion of my "The Phobos Compound"
                          for Doom2 WAD...

Version History         : Alpha Release - First release.  Given to
                          some of my friends on TEN for playtesting in
                          Multiplayer...  Many Bugs Present!

                          Beta Release - All Bugs Fixed.  New Areas
                          expanded, more player starts, all weapons
                          available, secrets present.  Given again
                          to friends on TEN for playtesting.

                          FINAL - First Public Release. Added an
                          Earthquake, fixed underwater sectors, took
                          out one secret, took out some atomic health.
                          Touched up textures.

Files included          : Phobos.txt - This file.
                          Phobos.map - The Level, map file
                          Dethtoll.mid - The Music

Additional Credits to   : 3D Realms for Duke Nukem 3D, Id Software for
                          Doom, Williston Consulting for WadAuthor.

* Play Information *

Game                    : Duke3d v1.3d
Episode and Level #     : User Map
Single Player           : Yes, you can run around!!
Cooperative 2-8 Player  : No, it would just turn into a deathmatch
Deathmatch 2-8 Player   : Yes, great for Deathmatch!! (3 or more!!)
New Music               : Yes, Music from the band TooL-46&2

* Construction *

Base                    : Based on "phobos06.wad" for DOOM2
Editor(s) used          : WAD2MAP, BUILD, WadAuthor v1.20, WinTex v4.2
Build Time (WAD)        : 30 hours...
Build Time (MAP)        : 15 hours +

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file