Duke Nukem 3D MAP Authoring Template
Modified by: Donaya L. Jackson--on 12/28/98; 8:25 PM
Title                    : Nemedia 4: Within the City Limits
Date Finished            : Completed on November 26, 1998--at 4:02 PM 
Filename                 : NEMEDIA4.ZIP 
                           New Files in ZIP format consist of: 
Author                   : Level Designed by: Donaya L. Jackson
E-mail Address           : Contact me at either wildali@hotmail.com, 
                           or at zylor2@aol.com!  

Other MAPS that I've done: (FOR DUKE NUKEM 3D)
                           NEMEDIA.ZIP--(contains nemedia.map & .txt)
                           NEMEDIA2.ZIP-(contains nemedia2.map & .txt)
                           NEMEDIA3.ZIP-(contains nemedia3.map & .txt)

                           (FOR SHADOW WARRIOR)
                           HIATON1.ZIP--(contains hiaton1.map & .txt)

Description/Storyline:        Okay.  This is my FIFTH MAP so far...I guess I'm getting pretty 
                           good at this MAP designing stuff after all!  This MAP is a first for 
                           me as well, due to the fact that this level was designed for single 
                           and multiplayer play, which I've never done before.  It is a wide open
                           level, and it is loaded with plenty of sniper points and vantage 
                           areas, which should make hunting down and blowing away up to three 
                           of your friends in Dukematch pretty interesting.  When I was creating 
                           this level, I was heavily inspired by the old GODZILLA movies, which
                           is why you are constantly being stalked by giant beasties in the city.
                           Also, the "postal" Postal Worker will pose a threat to you and your
                           DukeMatcher buds as well; if you are smashed dead-on by this vehicle, 
                           you'll die instantly.  Talk about a splitting headache!

                              So...I guess I'll need a story for this level too, huh?  Why do 
                           we need a story when all you want to do is kill the evil beasties and
                           save the world?  Well, for the sake of artistry, I think I'll just 
                           have to conjure one up.  Here goes nothing!     

                           This is the story...
                              Duke Nukem reaches the innards of the city, looks about.  From the 
                           outskirts in that area, the town didn't seem that large at all.  But 
                           when the city was breached,  New Haven was quite the complex place.  
                           Situated just 10 miles south of Los Angeles, this bustling suburbian 
                           area was just the place for an unsuspecting populous to be ambushed...
                           ambushed by Dr. Proton and his assorted baddies.  Duke Nukem knew what
                           Dr. Proton was coming to do.  He was coming to destroy the world.  And 
                           the world's weakness would be it's ignorance.  Who would be more 
                           ignorant to violence and chaos than those who've been shielded from it
                           all of their lives?

                              But Duke Nukem had been notified of the alien's forthcoming
                           slaughter; and he was there to stop it.  As he stood in the city, the 
                           mission ahead became clear:  destroy the intruding evil in New Haven,
                           and check into the apartment complex to wait for a pick-up to Los
                           Angeles.  Duke Nukem nods at the situation.
                              "It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum,' Duke grunts out as he 
                           walks past DukeBurger and readies his trusty 9mm, 'and I'm all outta 
                                                      VENGENGE IS NOW.

                              Reading the following level features is totally optional.  You are
                           free to skip them at any time.

                           Features in Nemedia 4:

                             *New ART files - TILES014 and TILES015.ART have been added.  This 
                           has allowed me to create a more believable city enviroment.

                             *Larger, more extensive level design -  More original architecture, 
                           more enemies and more power-ups than the first three Nemedia MAPS.  
                           Plus there's more interactivity with the enviroment, more texture 
                           usage.  Cunning shading effects and pseudo-lighting FX. Ambient sound 
                           effects and tons of other stuff.  New level music by Metallica.  All 
                           this stuff...and believe it or not, there's even MORE!!  That's what 
                           you get when you download Nemedia 4: Within the City Limits.
                             *Advanced sector manipulation and programming - Cars, trucks, and 
                           vans that move independently of each other on a complex road network.
                           Elevators, sloping ground, staircases and lakes in the park all work
                           perfectly and act the way you'd expect them to in real life.

                             *New ambient sounds and an all-new RTS file - Taunt your enemies in 
                           2-4 player DukeMatch with lines from Army of Darkness, Wes Craven's 
                           New Nightmare, and Street Fighter: The Animated Movie

                             I've worked hard as hell to bring this level to the masses.  I can
                           only think that I've made something special here.  I hope you feel the 

                                                                             -Donaya L. Jackson

Additional Credits to:       Myself for being so studious, and to the dozens of playtesters who 
                           helped me to get this just right.

Beta Testers:              Evan Jackson
                           Robert Earl Stevenson Jr.
                           Citron Jackson
                           Lujuana Duane Stevenson
                           Tyler and Malcolm
                           Jerome and Stephanie
                           Special thanks to Julie Townsend, Daphne Wilson and Denise Barlow for
                           inspiration and support.

* Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : Not implemented.
Single Player           : Yes.
Cooperative 2-8 Player	: 2-8 player Co-op is supported; level optimized for 2 player
DukeMatch 2-8 Player    : 2-8 player DukeMatch is supported; level optimized for 4 player 
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented.
New Sounds              : Yes.  4 new ambient sounds are included.
New Music               : Yes.  "Unforgiven" by Metallica.
New Graphics            : Yes.  TILES014.ART and TILES015.ART have been added.
New/changed CONs        : No.
Demos Replaced          : No.

* Construction *

Base                    : Level created from scratch.
Build Time              : It took me around the timeframe of 250-300 hours to build, including
                          debugging, playtesting, etc.  
Editor(s) used          : The Build Editor; Editart.
Known Bugs              : In the movie studio, there's a slight shading glitch on the ceiling 
                          that's caused by intense sector manipulation.  It's hardly noticable.
                          All other bugs and glitches were worked out/debugged by me.
May Not Run With...     : Any other program that is not Duke Nukem 3D.

* Copyright / Permissions *

For usage of Nemedia 4:   If you don't feel like constructing you own level from scratch, or you 
                          need to use an existing level to bypass some sort of bug that your copy 
                          of BUILD has, then you can use this level as a base to build additional

                          You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with
                          no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
                          format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 

                          You may do whatever you want with this file.  Just use it first.

Where to get this MAP file:

HTTP sites              : DUKEWORLD.COM

BBS numbers             : None.

Other Important Things  : The millienum is approaching; prepare yourselves for the fury of 
                          Armageddon!  Heh-heh.  No, really...I am considering a Nemedia 5 
                          sometime in the near future.  And Hiaton 2: Lo Wang's Fury is still
                          up in the air for a possible release date.  Because I have a life, and
                          creating Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior MAPS is only a hobby of mine, I
                          probably won't start work on these levels for quite a while.  But you 
                          know me; expect to see a sequel to my Nemedian Trilogy, which has 
                          received over 8,000 downloads! 

PS: If you wish to restore your previous settings for Duke Nukem 3D in terms of starting music, 
ambience and USER ART graphics, delete or remove the aformentioned files included in this ZIP 
file from the DUKE3D directory, and replace them with your backup files.
                                                                                      1998 DJ