Title                   : The Orion Station
File Name               : Gaz.map
Authors                 : Gary Whitehead
Email Address           : gazza@mpx.com.au

Description             : My first attempt at writing a duke level,
                          I have tried to incorporate most features that
                          build supports, Mirrors, Earthquakes, Blastable 
                          sections etc. Im pretty pleased with it (being
                          a first effort and all!)
                          Duke crash lands on a priison colony on the moon
                          that has been taaken over by scum sucking algea eaters!
                         I think it has a kinda "Dark forces" feel to it.
                          Its time to kick ass & chew gum!....
Additional Credits to   : 3d Realms
                          With a lot of help from "the unauthorized Duke
                          Nukem construction kit"
* Play Information *

Single Player           : Yes 
Cooperative             : Yes
Dukematch               : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Sounds              : No 
New Graphics            : No 
Demo                    : No 
* Construction *

Base                    : new level from scratch        
Build Time              : way too long                          
Editor(s) used          : build.exe  
Known Bugs              : In the "detention area" theres a rotating sector that
                          you must enter, If you shoot the wall or a bad guy
                          in front of the rotating wall, the wall will rotate,
                          but not the blood stain or bullet holes, Which looks
                          bloody weird. If anyone knows how to fix this please E-mail
                          the fix and I will be grateful.
                          NB:- DO NOT SEARCH FOR THE EXIT FROM THIS LEVEL (there isnt one :V)   )

                         any other bugs discovered please let me know
