the hacking relation present the vector objects demo ( vobs demo ) the credits: idea, original 3d routines + icon handler: lazarus - pattern generator and floor: legend - music: studio master - simple font and icon panel: dragonflight - coming soon from t.h.r. :- (1) lazarus's vector balls demo featuring resizing. (2) vector demo 5 (yes,another one!) featuring faster 3d and behind-the-eye clipping, (3) the t.h.r. slideshow with graphics by the groups artists. due to some complaints about the complexity of vector demo 4's icon panel, we feel we must explain the use of this one. (1) take the mouse in you right hand (2) look at the icons, and decide what each one means e.g. one says 'quit' so it probably exits. (3) decide which one to alter (4) move the mouse to the icon of your choice (use left and right, the current selected icon is indicated by the big blue box) (5) click the left mouse button, and if it has no effect,try holding the button down and moving the mouse (the plastic thing in your right or left hand) forwards or backwards - commonly this process is refered to as dragging,see 'the very first' tutorial for further info. enough of that, i'm sure you understand by now. see you in the next demo.. hello everybody, dragonflight here, not much to say today but here goes messages to: thomas landspurg - thanks for the nice sendings, i hope you don't think that this demo is too unoriginal!! your demo, -vectors, again!- was very nice, i liked the submarine! i am looking forward to seeing your poipoi(?) demo soon.... legend + larazus (of thr)- hey lazy people ever heard of the slideshow? pseudo-ops: your virus killer (v2.0) is very usefull but why does it screw up programs which use windows (e.g. dpaint 3)? ok thats it, i'll now hand over to studio master, so until next time.... wow another thr demo is released..... although it was supposedto be released at the commodore show (nice one lads!!) i would like to send some messages to talented musicians from the uk and abroad hi firefox....thank you for the modules + instruments they are coming in really usefull i will send that joint song back as soon as i have completed it, i hope you will like it. hi midi....i will send the disks back to you soon, the instruments you sent were very good. hi fred....i have not heard from you for a long time a letter is on the way. darkstar of slipstream...thank you for the message in the slipstream music demo 1 please send the instrument disks soon!!! jazz of animate...i hear from aerosmith that you are there new musician do you wanna start trading instruments? bitarts of rsi (if you ever read this)... youre music is the best i hope you do not mind me drawing inspiration (and some instruments!!) from your wasteland piece (vectorballs part of the mega-demo) i think its time for the contact part of this demo so to contact the hacking relation phone 082572 3577 (phil) or 0273 550300 (jeremy) or 0903 61602 (ash) thr members list now follows.....legend (coder + gfx) lazurus (coder) firefly (coder) studio master (musician + swapper) dragonflight (gfx) mr bigtime (gfx) magic inc. (musician) ash (swapping) guardian (swapping) the saint (swapping) and no one else but if you wanna join (no lamers) phone 082572 2545 (angus) i think i better get on with the greets that go out to (no order fred phenomena share + enjoy of scoopex digital wizard foetus excel uk odyssey ipec elite sirus corp. of the silents pseudo-ops mercenary the mighty druids slipstream magnetic fields anthrox animate paradox uk oracle mirage uk automation quartex acidforce focus and every one else we swap with (sorry this aint a full list!!) anyway thats all for this time just remeber thr..the hacking relation the fun has just begun