._______._______.___. ._______.___. ._______.___. .________. \\ __ \\ __ \\ _|__ \\ _ \\ _|__ \\ __ \\ _|__ \\ _____/ | |/ | |/ | ___/_| |___| ___/_| |/ | ___/_| ___/_. | _ | _ < | |____ | | | _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | !___|___!___|___!_______]_______]_______]___|___!_______]____fZn] * Party Pack No. 30 GERP 2025 & other cargo! * 1 * Lowres Kids Insane 2 * Shadow of Marghera Koney 3 * We Needed a Coder... Grotesticle 4 * Noa Facet/Lemon 5 * Tribute to Llamasoft° Rodney/The Black Lotus 6 * Pink Amiga Girl HyperUnknown/Noice 7 * Mesmerize Jok/DreamWeb 8 * Tales from the Forest Jok/DreamWeb 9 * Hades° Made/Bomb 10 * Nevin° Made/Bomb 11 * Party Results GERP 2025 ° Requires AGA enabled hardware * RMB to Exit Compiled by Motion / ASCII by FuZioN / ARTSTATE WHQ: bbs.retro32.com:1337